It is true, that digital disruption has left its indelible mark in every facet of business. With the recent pandemic at our back, todays B2B market heavily depends on remote transactions. Our super robust congregated platforms have been designed to bring that digital ecosystem closer to the rural Merchants.
The whole world is at your tip
Can we ever deny the omnipresence of the “Online world”? Clearly, its boundaries are only expanding. Our aggregated service delivery platform is a unique model based on Serve Seva Kendra that saw its light way back in 2014.
A single touch point that brings under its umbrella any conceivable service for the rural consumers and merchants alike. Be it Financial Planning, Healthcare, Education, and Insurance, the platform connects you to all forms of business, and that too in the blink of an eye.
A single window for multiple needs
This unique platform opens various avenues to leverage an aggregate of services and commodities for the rural consumer. It creates a digital marketplace that helps both small scale and large rural based merchants to showcase their products. At the same time, it provides an easy and cost effective shopping experience for the consumers.
Single Platform Multiple Services
A wide gamut of products and services can be accessed through this exhaustive platform that truly removes all roadblocks for the rurally placed merchants. They include:
Banking and insurance
Other Financial Services
Agriculture Consultation
Government utilities
Education and Skill Improvement
A Single Platform for Delivery of All Online Services
We have created the mammoth ground for the Rural Merchants where they you can network with peer merchants and consumers alike. Supercharge your business by onboarding our platform.
We empower banks and payment aggregators to achieve success at every step of the transaction journey